In a world animated by anger, division and fear we are dedicated to creating a place where the common good is the focus. We’ve spent too much time fixating on what divides us rather than what unites us. It’s time for a change. We’d like you to imagine a place where love, grace and humility win the day. You’ve heard of a God Complex…It’s time to develop a Good Complex.

The Good Complex Podcast presents conversations that demonstrate the good that is too often ignored. We examine different perspectives to better understand ourselves and the world around us. We may not always agree and that’s ok, because having the conversation is more important than resolving the issue.

We invite you to join us on this journey called The Good Complex. Just because the world has gotten so chaotic and noisy doesn’t mean we can’t still find ways to hear each other. Together, let’s turn the volume down on all the noise and learn to listen again.